To coincide with the Biribi Tattoo Meeting tattoo convention in Lyon on June 1 and 2, Akimitsu Takagi’s photographs will be on show at the MOB Hôtel.
Presented in an original scenography specially designed for the venue, it will remain on view until 29 June.
Opening: Saturday 1 June from 7.30pm during the Biribi Tattoo Meeting at the MOB.
55, quai Rambaud
69 002 Lyon.

Organized by Kid Nowe, tattoo artist and head of the Biribi tattoo studio, the Biribi Tattoo Meeting aims to bring a new freshness to tattoo conventions and showcase the singular universes of the 25 international tattoo artists invited.
I’ll be at the convention all weekend, selling books and prints of Takagi’s photographs.
See you at the Biribi Tattoo Meeting at :
6 rue de la Part Dieu
69 003 Lyon.
Times: Saturday June 1: 11am-9pm; Sunday June 2: 11am-9pm.